Monday, July 30, 2012

...Psychological Aspects of UFO-ology...

Psychological Aspects of UFO-ology: from UFOs to the Unified Field theOry (UFO)
Richard Motyka
Introduction to Psychology
Spring 2012

            Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) or flying saucers, as some call them, have been mainly products of fantasy, outright hoaxes, or misidentifications of some sort (For example, TOP SECRET military projects) with some people believing them to be of an advanced alien race from another planet. There are a small percentage of rather perplexing cases which seem to defy explanation. Be that as it may, looking at the phenomenon psychologically, Doctor Carl Jung, a distinguished psychiatrist and contemporary of Doctor Sigmund Freud, felt able to study UFOs as projections of our modern age as he explained in his book “Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies”. He saw them as symbols of wholeness and totality which gave humankind hope; a visionary, “Heavenly” source of deliverance, redemption and salvation. Historically, this was also accomplished by mandalas from different cultures. Mandalas are a type of magic circle, as some UFOs may have been described. Religious overtones abound as our modern age still grapples with questions concerning science, evolution, and the Supernatural (David, 123-131). Dangerous or suspect UFO cults have evolved like Heaven’s Gate, which committed a mass suicide about 15 years ago as of this writing, and Raelism, which hopes to build an embassy by Jerusalem to prepare a welcoming place for our supposed alien creators (Online, 2012, Heaven’s Gate, Raelism). Popular in movies, TV, and books, UFOs feed our fantastical visions of what may, indeed, be “Out there”. Getting back to the really problematic UFOs we find ourselves incredulous and awe-struck. We are not quite sure what to make of these cases. Of these, there is a phenomena involving Plasma which does look promising as an avenue of exploration. Hessdalen, Norway has been home to many sightings of bright lights and such which appear to involve Plasma and is still being scientifically studied to this day (Online, 2012, which leads us up to the Unified Field theOry (UFO), as I call it. As it turns out, Plasma composes over 99% of our visible universe, yet here on earth it seems very rare (Online, 2012, Plasma). Much study is being done on Plasma in high-energy physics which includes the physics of the stars and galaxies (Which can, by the way, look like “Flying saucers”). Any Unified Field theOry, which Einstein and others were searching for, would scientifically explain our universe. I received my insight by studying musical composition. Doctor Wilhelm Reich, who wrote a book concerning UFOs called “Contact With Space”, received his insight by studying emotions. Others like the ancient Hindu’s, ancient philosophers who spoke of Eros (from which we get the word erotic), and even the poet’s Dante and e.e. cummings MAY have had similar understandings. And where did the idea that God is Love come from, after all? Psychologically, we go from UFOs symbolizing wholeness (“Holiness”), redemption and healing to the Unified Field theOry (UFO) which, indeed, unifies (makes whole, “Holy”), redeems creation and heals misunderstandings about God and our Universe. Therefore, psychologically, the revelation we get from UFOs or “Flying saucers” is that Cosmic Consciousness means that God is Love, same as before, just told in a modern, scientific way. My following, updated, rewritten essay would best explain this Unified Field theOry (UFO).  So please, enjoy!

The Unified Field theOry*           

The hoped for, scientific explanation of our universe, pursued by Einstein and more recent scientists, like Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku, is known as the Unified Field Theory (UFT for short). Also known as the Theory of Everything (TOE) or Grand Unified Theory(GUT)this theory would provide answers to certain so-called eternal, universal questions including: Why does the Universe exist? Where do we come from? And how was it created? (Kaku, Beyond Einstein) Which can further lead to questions like: What do we mean by Divine Love? What are Orgasms? Is there proof of God? Through a process of reverse engineering and intuition I found that this Unified Field theOry (UFO) answers questions like these better than any theory before, put simply:
Stars are Orgasms
, in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God
            Stars are Orgasms. These heavenly bodies are sources of intense excitement which come from the Big-bang. Scientifically, stars are mainly composed of Plasma, which is an excited, highly ionized form of matter. It is estimated that Plasma composes more than 99% of the visible universe. Wilhelm Reich, the famous/infamous psychologist,contemporary of Freud and Einstein, realized that orgasms are Plasma pulsations which he called Orgone Energy (let us not forget that Energy, E = mc2). Therefore, logically, we get this formula: Stars = Plasma = Orgasms. Let me add that this would mean that stars are Superhuman (the gods), Superintelligent (yes, there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe) and Supernatural (1 Earth, “too many Stars to count” in nature, therefore, Supernatural). All this would qualify as Cosmic Consciousness.            
Divine Love (in other words, from to a sacred, celestial god or Supreme Being exuding feelings of desire, warmth and Passion. Sounds positively Orgasmic to me. Ecstatic! Let us not forget that the center of Stars are White Hot and look like the wonderful sources of Light in Near-Death Experiences (NDE’s). It is as Dante, writer of the Divine Comedy wrote “the Love that moves the Sun and the other Stars”. 
            God is Love. Divine Love. Eternally alive. ETERNAL LIFE. All-encompassing. Ever merciful. Always was and always will be. Celestial and earthly. Actually, though it may be taboo, YOU are God in disguise! playing this wicked GAME in which we live (remember live is evil spelled backwards). Philosophically, good is pleasure and evil is pain. In a universe with so much Ecstatic, wondrous pleasure (Total pain being almost nonexistent, in this way God is good AND evil, being greater than 99% good and less than 1% evil, which just happens to be the percentage of Plasma in the visible universe) what more proof do you need for God? Indeed, it is proof of God!
            I hope you, dear reader, are persuaded to believe in this Unified Field theOry. This Unified Field theOry (UFO) would have provided Einstein with his hoped for glimpse into the mind (and body) of God (Online, 2012, Einstein). Like UFO’s, the stars have been mostly unidentified. Science needs to better understand this key theory if it wishes to truly comprehend our universe. Who knows? Perhaps the Higg’s boson, also known as the “God particle” (Lederman), will provide further evidence as our knowledge of biophysics increases. It might even revolutionize human evolution. Here’s to hoping that you come to see the Light!

*Throughout this essay I took the liberty of using Capital Letters and some punctuation, or lack thereof, as I saw fit. I wish to indicate Reverence, as we are dealing with the Sacred. And let us not forget, when appropriate, a sense of humor…(End of essay)

     Psychologically, one does not usually bring up the subject of Orgasms in polite company. Wilhelm Reich felt so strongly about this that he chose to call Orgasmic Energy by the more, he felt, scientifically acceptable term “Orgone Energy” (Online, 2012, Wilhelm Reich). Orgasms are usually too intimate, personal and powerful to be broached in everyday conversation. For the sake of psychological modesty, comfort and ease, even talk of Orgasms are usually kept “behind closed doors” or even, “in the closet”, or else one may risk being called a sex maniac. I would estimate that the whole of humanity is in an Orgasmic state less than 1% of our time. Sad but true. No wonder then. You would think that something so near and dear to us all would get all the scientific attention it deserves. Well, thanks to UFOs and the Unified Field theOry (UFO), it’s time has come!

Works Cited

David, Jay. The Flying Saucer Reader. New York, NY: The New American Library, 
1967. Print

Jung, C. G. translated by R. F. C. Hull. Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen
 in the Skies. London: Routledge & Paul, 1959. Print

Kaku, Michio and Jennifer Thompson. Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the 
Theory of the Universe. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1995. Print

Lederman, Leon with Dick Teresi. The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer,
What Is the Question? New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993. Print

Online. Bing Search Engine, 2012., The words Divine,
and Love retrieved; Einstein retrieved; Heaven’s Gate retrieved; Plasma retrieved;
Raelism retrieved; Wilhelm Reich retrieved; retrieved

Reich, Wilhelm. Contact With Space: Oranur Second Report. New York, NY:
Core Pilot Press, 1957.

The Unified Field Hypothesis? Scientific and Religious Aspects

The Unified Field Hypothesis?
Scientific and Religious Aspects
Richard Motyka
I.                    Abstract
II.                 Scientific Cosmology
  A.      Scientific Evolution
III.               Religious Cosmology
  A.      Religious Evolution
IV.               Unification
  A.      The Unified Field Hypothesis
V.                  PERSONAL Views

              Any consideration of a scientific Unified Field avails itself to Religious interpretation.  Scientifically explaining the Universe would allow Religion to understand scientific cosmology.  Now, cosmology is a large subject, as large as the Universe yet as small as a subatomic particle! The latest discoveries in scientific cosmology boggle the mind and challenge our traditional, deeply held religious views.  What are we to make of these differing cosmological visions and can they be reconciled?  My own personal observations attempt to unify these areas which have caused so much philosophical debate.
Scientific Cosmology
              Scientific cosmology deals with the physical side of the cosmos.  Science is a form of knowledge which requires evidence.  Since the time of Galileo our knowledge of astronomy and cosmology has expanded perhaps as fast as space is expanding now.  From the rings of Saturn to the rings of the Big Bang scientific cosmology has been an enlightening and controversial process for those of us here on Earth. 

WMAP Big Bang Rings.  Click on image to Enlarge.
Scientific Evolution
              The Standard Model of scientific cosmic evolution goes simply like this:
In the beginning was the Big Bang from which everything was created.  About 13.7 billion years ago this universe came to be.  Astronomers believe this involved a process called “Inflation” which saw the universe expand exponentially to a great degree in a very short amount of time.  Then, this energy was transformed into more familiar forms of matter and energy.  One second after the Big Bang the universe continued to expand but not nearly as quickly. The universe was made up of fundamental particles.  Protons and neutrons began to form.  About 3 minutes after the Big Bang basic elements including hydrogen and helium formed.  At about 500,000 years the universe remained an enormous cloud of hot, expanding gas.  At about 1 billion years the pull of gravity exerted its influence on the early universe causing the birth of stars and galaxies.  Three billion years after the Big Bang saw the era of quasars.  At 6 billion years, within galaxies as stars were being born, others died…often in enormous explosions called supernovae.  About 5 billion years ago our sun was born.  The sun formed within a cloud of gas in a spiral arm of our own Milky Way galaxy.  At about the same time our solar system formed which included our very own earth which eventually evolved humans and, as they say, the rest is history (NOVA, and Seeds 307-334).
Religious Cosmology
                Religious cosmology deals with the Spirit of the cosmos.  Religion is a system of belief which confers meaning to our lives.  This may also be called metaphysics, or that which lies beyond the physical.  This would concern our role in a cosmos created by a God or gods as some have proclaimed.  How the human Spirit interacts with those forces it encounters is of utmost concern to religion and the power of the human Spirit cannot be denied.  From our primitive ancestors to modern life, from Sun worship to worship of the Son, and from the seemingly ridiculous to the sublime, religious cosmology has been an important force in shaping human evolution, yet, even religion evolves.
Religious Evolution
              Primitive humans must have stood in awe at the forces of nature.  Simply put, as humans evolved great religions in India and Egypt took root.  The sublime religion of Hinduism developed an understanding of the universe comparable to the cosmology of our modern times as it understood the enormity of space and time and saw its cyclic recurrence.  Buddha developed Buddhism.  Ancient Egypt saw God and man in the figure of the Pharaoh, one of whom actually worshipped the Sun as the one true God.  This monotheism was further developed by Moses and the Jews culminating in Christianity with Christ being proclaimed as the “One and Only” Son of God.  All this inspired Mohammed to form Islam.  These Religions constitute what is known as the “Big 5”.  As of today, Christianity has about 2 billion members, followed by Islam with about 1.5 billion (They are the fastest growing demographic).  Hinduism has about 1 billion followers and Buddhism about 0.5 billion (500 million).  {Note: Initially overlooked was the category of Chinese Folk Religion (including Shenism and Taoism, etc.) which totals .385 billion or 385 million members as of 2013 according to Wikipedia (Religion).}  Judaism has about 0.015 billion (15 million) followers.  These new estimates add up to 5.4 billion people out of the 7 billion people estimated to be living on earth today (The World Almanac and Book of Facts 699).  From the earliest sublime Hinduism (which posited a Supreme Being) to modern religious fanatics devoted to creationism, Religion, while also being a source of enlightenment, has also plotted a somewhat controversial history.  Fanatics cling to the comfort of tradition while life in the Universe keeps changing.  Called recently the debate between creationism and evolution this leads us up to the topic of unification. 
              Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists who ever lived stated:
I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself, now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.  (Hynek xi)

Now, that great ocean of truth may be called a Unified Field Theory (Kaku, Beyond Einstein 17-34) or Hypothesis unifying scientific and Religious Cosmologies.  Through a process of logic and reverse engineering (of the Universe) I found that this hypothesis works better than any theory put forward yet.  It makes BEAUTIFUL sense of the Universe.  This New Paradigm also could, potentially, unite the Theory of Relativity with Quantum Mechanics.  Prepare yourself for a revolutionary quantum leap of the imagination!

                                                 The Unified Field Hypothesis
The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
, in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God
              The Big Bang, Cosmic Plasma and Stars are ORGASMIC!  The rest of this section will attempt to define what this means.  These heavenly bodies are sources of intense excitement which have evolved from the Big-Bang.  Scientifically, Stars are mainly composed of Plasma, which is an excited, highly ionized form of matter.  It is estimated that Plasma composes more than 99% of the visible universe.  Wilhelm Reich, the famous/infamous psychologist, contemporary of Freud and Einstein, realized with his biological and bioelectrical studies that Orgasms are Plasma pulsations which he called Orgone Energy (Reich 5).  Let us not forget that energy, E = mc2.  We are talking about THE Cosmic Creative Life Energy!  Therefore, logically, we get this formula: Stars = Plasma = Orgasms.  Let me add that, with deeper comprehension, this would mean that Stars are Superhuman (the gods), Superintelligent (Yes, there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe) and Supernatural (One earth, “too many Stars to count” in nature, therefore, Supernatural).  All this would qualify as Cosmic Consciousness.  Cosmic Consciousness can actually be understood as a realm of the wonderful science of astronomy which helps us to understand our perspective relative to the Universe.
Divine Love pertains to a Sacred, celestial god or Supreme Being exuding feelings of desire, warmth and Passion. Sounds positively Orgasmic to me. Ecstatic! As an aside, let us not forget that the center of Stars are physically White Hot and look like the wonderful sources of Light in Near-Death Experiences (NDE’s) which seem to make them ideal destinations for the Afterlife. It is as Dante, writer of the Divine Comedy wrote “The Love that moves the Sun and the other Stars”. Thanks to astronomy and our understanding of Plasma, what more logical AND intuitive proof do you need for God? In a Universe with so much Ecstatic, Wondrous Pleasure God is Love. Divine Love. Eternal. All-Encompassing. Ever merciful. Always was and always will Be. Celestial and earthly. Actually, though it may be taboo (Watts, The Book), YOU are God in disguise! You are playing this wicked GAME in which we live(remember live is evil spelled backwards). Philosophically, good is pleasure and evil is pain; total pain being almost nonexistent, in this way God is Good AND evil, being greater than 99% Good and less than 1% evil, which just happens to be the percentage of Plasma in the visible Universe. Indeed, it is proof of God! I hope you, dear reader, are persuaded to believe in and search for more evidence of this Unified Field Hypothesis. This Unified Field Hypothesis would have provided Einstein with his hoped-for glimpse into the Mind (and Body) of God. Science needs to better understand this key hypothesis if it wishes to truly comprehend our Universe. Who knows? Perhaps the Higg’s boson, also known as the “God particle” (Lederman), will provide further evidence as our knowledge of physics, as well as biophysics, increases. It might even revolutionize human evolution. Here’s to hoping that you come to see the Light! 


              When referring to the Big Bang, the Cosmos, the Universe, the Stars…we are referring to the Sacred.  Science has wrongly assumed that Stars and the Universe…for the most part, are dead, inanimate and inert matter.  There is not enough evidence for this and the burden of proof now lies with science.  When one has an Orgasm one is not dead.  On the contrary, it can be argued that It is when one is most Alive!  Science is missing a tremendously large piece of the Cosmic puzzle by ignorance of the Unified Field Hypothesis as presented in this paper.  As for astronomy, and science in general, there is not much research on this Unified Field Hypothesis, as of yet, that I know of.  Consider this paper a call for research or even, hopefully, a beacon of inspiration and hope.  Doctor Wilhelm Reich tried to research his “Primordial Cosmic Energy” (Basic Life Force), was derided, and died in jail.  Such can be the fate of people “Ahead of their time”.  Having no wish to share that fate, logic and intuition still indicate that this hypothesis will be proven correct and is, indeed, what science is looking for.  
Now, understand that God is even greater than any science.  God is the Supreme Being.  Divine, Ecstatic Love.  Encompassing the finite AND the Infinite.  Greater than any Cosmology, ultimately beyond human comprehension, God is the ultimate syzygy, knowing the polarity of the Known and the Unknown, experiencing all space and all time as One (Watts, The Supreme Identity 55-56).  We know that this Universe was created in a Big Bang.  Perhaps it was one White hole created from a previous black hole (Hyper-black hole?) ad infinitum, meaning that the Universe is Infinite and cyclic as the ancients believed, beating like the heart.  Perhaps dark energy and dark matter (still not totally understood, more evidence is needed) are early indications of this ultimate type of black hole, and if the ancients are to be believed, could bring our Earth to an end (Asteroids and comets…notwithstanding).  According to the Hindu’s we live in the Kaliyuga Age, the final Cosmically brief age of evil which will bring our Universe to its end (in about 430,000 years) and usher in an epoch of Pure Bliss and Peace known as Pralaya (Watts, OM) after which the game of Creation is played again, one might say reborn, or even reincarnated.  After the Ecstatic Big Bang came (like Orgasmic swelling) what is called “Cosmic Inflation”

Timeline of the Universe (NASA). Click on image to Enlarge.

As Alan Watts has stated, God (Your Ultimate Self) plays hide and seek by incarnating (or reincarnating?) Itself in any of the myriad forms we study in Cosmology.  Blissfully the Universe created; from the Big Bang to tiny bions, from Lyman Alpha Blobs and the Great Attractor Galactic Supercluster (Could this be the Axis of our Universe? Does our Universe rotate?) to Great voids and antimatter, from Great Galactic Strings or Filaments to Cosmic strings and plasmons.  As black holes, death and entropy took hold the Universe cooled and expanded. Further evolution (or “evilution”, things seem to get more evil) sees the Great Cosmic Self (God) taking the form of Solar Systems and Planets until we reach our common era, the most evil as explained by the Kaliyuga Age in the Hindu Religion.  Appearing to start with God’s Incarnation in Christ Jesus, many call it the Christian Era, when “God” suffered and died on a cross.  As it turns out, we commonly measure time from Jesus’ birth so as of this writing we live in the year 2012 of the Kaliyuga Age (though this may be disputed by strict Hindu’s).  All this goes on forever and ever…and by using the principle of Occam’s razor…is most plausible.  Eternal Life is yours. It always was and always will be.  The question isn’t how life came from inorganic matter but how inorganic matter came from Life.  Life (a type of Energy or “Fire”) on Earth cooled off into what we call geological, tectonic plates…changing due to rotation about an Axis (Bold As Love, sang Jimi Hendrix) which may produce pulsation.  On a larger scale this pulsation could produce the geometry of an accretion disc (psychologically, looking like a “flying saucer”) like Saturn and its rings, or a Galaxy with its spiral arms and bulge. Our Universe may be one bubble (with a circumferential edge) in a Cosmos of infinite bubbles larger and smaller, older and younger, Multiverse or Omniverse.  God, this Cosmological Supreme Being, must be truly Awe-inspiring, Magnificent and MAGICAL… and to think “That art Thou”, YOU (Your true Self) are IT!     
Works Cited
Hynek, J.  Allen.  The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry.  Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery Company, 1972.  Print.
Janssen, Sarah, (Eds.) et al.  The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2012.  New York, NY: World Almanac Books, 2012.  Print
 Kaku, Michio and Jennifer Thompson.  Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe.  New York, NY: Doubleday, 1995.  Print.
Lederman, Leon with Dick Teresi.  The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?  New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993.  Print.
 NOVA (and the Evolution of the Universe) retrieved from  Web.  10 July.  2012.
Reich, Wilhelm.  Ether, God and Devil: Cosmic Superimposition.  New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973.  Print.
Religion retrieved from Wikipedia.  Web.  19 August.  2013.
Seeds, Michael and Dana Backman.  Horizons: Exploring the Universe (Twelfth Edition).  Boston, MA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2012.  Print.
Watts, Alan.  Om.  Video retrieved from You Tube.  Web.  18 July.  2012.
Watts, Alan.  The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are.  New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1972.  Print.
Watts, Alan.  The Supreme Identity: An Essay on Oriental Metaphysic and the Christian Religion.  New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1972.  Print.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

...Proof of God (the Unified Field Theory)...

...Making BEAUTIFUL sense of our Universe this Unified Field Theory may be a secret revealed. Prepare yourself for a controversial, revolutionary quantum leap of the imagination!

The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
 ,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God

Wilhelm Reich described this Primordial Cosmic Energy (Basic Life Force) as Orgastic Plasma pulsation.  Probably 99% or more of our visible Universe is in a Plasma state...