Tuesday, December 2, 2014



According to Wikipedia:
     OM is a mystical sound of Hindu origin (Wow! Those Hindu's AGAIN).  The mantra "OM" is the name of God, the vibration of the Supreme.  The vibration of OM symbolizes the manifestation of God in form.  OM is said to be the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the Universe.

     Following is a mesmerizing philosophy presented by Alan Watts "the hippie philosopher".  I love to relate his work with my philosophy of the Unified Field Theory (which unifies Science and Religion):

The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God

...Video credit Alan Watts...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

More Surreal Questions?

Is any pain we feel in this life INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to any Pleasure we feel in the Afterlife?

Is this why pain exists?

If God could allow "His Only-Begotten Son" to be crucified then what could God do to YOU?

Monday, August 4, 2014

...The Supreme Being of Divine Love...


In THIS game (play) of human life God can be evil (pain)...
Don't kid yourself, just look at human history!

In the Game (Play) of COSMIC Life evil (pain) is almost non-existent...

The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sitars (The Musical Sound of Stars?)


 S tars

The Musical Sound of Stars?

(...Credit Alan Watts Om...)



When We enter a Plasma state
(become Star-like)
 ...We Ionize...
 as in "I turn on (I on)"
 or, as the case may be,
 "You turn Me (I) on"

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

...some sub-atomic humor (or Jokes for "The Big Bang Theory")...

(Found on the Internet)

What happened when the quark lepton a gluon? Squarks!

menu at the sub-atomic deli:
sub-atomic sandwiches
boson burgers
lepton fries
superstring cheese
quarks of milk
anions with onions
make your own (petri) dishes...
(if needed later, antimatter antacid)

How does having your mind "Blown" equate with having your body "Blown"?

"Live long and prosper!" or "May you get Ionized tonight!"?

Is the Higg's Boson the "Bozo" of sub-atomic particles?

Monday, July 28, 2014

...the "lower self"...

All this talk about the "Higher Self" got me to wondering about the "lower self" 
(they go together, you know, High and low). 
Considering the Heart as the middle or center of the Self, 
anything below that 
I would call the "lower self". 
This would include the interesting intestines (guts), 
the sexual organs (male and female), 
legs and feet, including the soles (souls, lol), and toes. 
The Higher Self is balanced out by the lower self. 
Fingers and toes, 
arms and legs, 
brains and balls...
The lower self is where "shit happens". 
Shit happens. 
What can I say? 
You know as well as I how true this (anagram of shit, by the way) is.
It makes for good fertilizer.
Farts, piss, sperm (and thus people) also grow out of this "lower self".
Good fertilizer, indeed.
We call people "down to earth" when they are being practical.
The lower self must make us practical.
So, in conclusion:
Isn't it High time for the "Higher Self"
to better appreciate the "lower self" 
and realize It is One, Unified?

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Scientific Facts of Life (With a Thought-Experiment in the Manner of an Einstein ConCERNing the Unified Field Theory)

(CERN Mandala)
    ...Though it appears TABOO to many, there would be NO LIFE without the Orgasm! EVOLUTION revolves upon the Orgasm. Thankfully, CREATION (The Big Bang...humans) appears to be Orgasmic!  These should be the FACTS OF LIFE. For those needing more SCIENTIFIC proof of this, here is a thought-experiment in the manner of an Einstein:

     1. Get a certified PHYSICIST (scientist) to EXPLAIN what happens during a HUMAN ORGASM.

I have never heard of this being done. For some reason they prefer studying "dead", "inert" matter or even jump to "dark" matter without basic understanding of THE FACTS OF LIFE. Even Sex researchers, like Masters and Johnson, had obstacles to overcome when studying THE FACTS OF LIFE.

     2. This should NOT mainly be a physiological (anatomical) explanation, but one by way of PHYSICS.

It is my contention that one enters into a Plasma state (becomes Ionized). By golly, it turns out that 99% or more of our visible Universe is ALREADY in a Plasma state! (It has been called The Fourth State Of Matter). The Higg's Field and Boson ("The God Particle") may yet provide scientists with more evidence. Therefore, logically, we should learn that most of our visible Universe is Orgasmic, Ecstatic and Blissful! (Yes, Religion did tell us that God is Love).


As for me, my intuition already tells me this is TRUE! Regardless, scientifically we should return to what I call the Unified Field Theory...

The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God

Monday, July 21, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


...Even more evidence of God!
Where do they come from?
Why are they so attractive?

("The more things change, the more they stay the same")

Even the most dim-witted (gloomy) atheists
 (of which there are far too many I'm afraid) 
should consider Mandala's as wonderful works of art!
(Ask them, why?)

     I must admit, Mandala's are my favorite form of Art because they are symbols of the Self (God). Visually approximating our true Selves in all our Splendor! Like the astronomers and cosmologists have discovered, we are but tiny entities in the Cosmos (and like tiny entities in a Mandala). Long used for Spiritual contemplation, Mandala's are endlessly fascinating (Yes, even visually Orgasmic!), like pi (pie, lol) 3.14... squaring the circle (circling the square), flower-like, beautiful (as visionary Art), and Transcendent (Eternally changing/unchanging)! They truly must be glimpses of Heaven. (I hope you enjoy these few examples that I found on the internet)

     So then, if what I call Magic Circles (or Magic Squares, Magic Wheels (limousines, lol)...) ARE deserving of your study, attention and contemplation (try drawing one if so inclined) watch what Magic ensues...

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Einstein's Cosmic Religion

    ...The great scientist Albert Einstein had what could be called a Cosmic Spirituality or, even, a Cosmic Religion (not Comic, that would be for Dante's Divine Comedy). Like the philosopher Baruch Spinoza, Einstein believed in a "pantheistic" God, meaning that he saw God everywhere and in everything (in the Cosmos). Thought agnostic, he rejected being labelled an atheist yet, being Jewish, did not believe in a "Personal" God. He is famously quoted as saying "Science without religion is lame, but religion without science is blind". Feeling humility before the mystery of God this Cosmic Religion allowed him to say that, in this sense, he was a devoutly religious man...

Plato's Cave

...Be forewarned. Some people may not be able to handle the truth (they may prefer to stay in Plato's Cave)!

The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God

Fearing ridicule, ignoring evidence, afraid of their own shadows and thus of the Light some choose to hide behind walls of money, tenure and prestige...The ancient philosopher Plato described this situation well, lo these many years ago. You may look it up!

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Cosmic Gospel

...The Center of Stars should be WHITE Hot...
I'd like to change some of the illustrations