Thursday, August 30, 2012

What is God?

...Ultimately, beyond human comprehension, encompassing the known and the unknown, it may be said that God is the Supreme BEING, all that there is.  We are allowed to speculate on what is known.  Isn't the highest human conception (form of conception) of God this, that God is Love?  Divine Love.  Orgasmic, Ecstatic, Blissful Love (which is, so it would seem, Cosmic Plasma which composes about 99% of the visible Universe!).  Sat-Chit-Ananda (Reality-Awareness-Bliss) as the Hindu's say.  That is why there is something (Cosmic Love) rather than nothing.  We humans (scientists included) have become myopic, earth-bound, not seeing the bigger picture...

the Unified Field Theory

the Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God

Seems to me, some people (scientists included) don't want to hear this...
God is the Supreme Being of Divine Love!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Future of the Unified Field Theory

Astronomers can do the astronomy
Mathematicians can do the math
Physicists can do the physics
Scientists can do the science
the basic Philosophy is already DONE:

The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God

Doesn't this help to explain Religion?

Thursday, August 16, 2012


...Please allow me to recommend the wonderful Official Website of David Halperin...Journal of a UFO Investigator...and visit the Blog area.  Feel free to join in...Fun and interesting!  Here is a link:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Some People Can't Handle The Truth?

The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God
...Some people (scientists?) seem reluctant to accept these ideas (in these blogs) which to me are Self-evident...Too simple?  Too BEAUTIFUL?  Makes too much sense?  Because THEY didn't think of it?  Any ideas on how to deal with that?