Sunday, June 29, 2014

Einstein's Cosmic Religion

    ...The great scientist Albert Einstein had what could be called a Cosmic Spirituality or, even, a Cosmic Religion (not Comic, that would be for Dante's Divine Comedy). Like the philosopher Baruch Spinoza, Einstein believed in a "pantheistic" God, meaning that he saw God everywhere and in everything (in the Cosmos). Thought agnostic, he rejected being labelled an atheist yet, being Jewish, did not believe in a "Personal" God. He is famously quoted as saying "Science without religion is lame, but religion without science is blind". Feeling humility before the mystery of God this Cosmic Religion allowed him to say that, in this sense, he was a devoutly religious man...

Plato's Cave

...Be forewarned. Some people may not be able to handle the truth (they may prefer to stay in Plato's Cave)!

The Big Bang
Cosmic Plasma
Stars are ORGASMIC!
,in other words,
Divine Love
Proof of God

Fearing ridicule, ignoring evidence, afraid of their own shadows and thus of the Light some choose to hide behind walls of money, tenure and prestige...The ancient philosopher Plato described this situation well, lo these many years ago. You may look it up!

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Cosmic Gospel

...The Center of Stars should be WHITE Hot...
I'd like to change some of the illustrations