Monday, March 30, 2015

Ancient Aliens?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."  Albert Einstein

     I can enjoy watching "Ancient Aliens," at times a highly imaginative History Channel TV show (When did history become surreal?) produced by Prometheus ENTERTAINMENT for the inspiration it can provide, even if MANY of the ideas presented lack ANY scientific credibility.  I do find the idea of ancient aliens visiting the Earth interesting and who knows?  What do you think?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

"Dawn of the Aquarian Age" by Joseph Parker

  ...SURREALISTICALLY, one may IMAGINE this as a portrait of life INSIDE a Star!  Remember, as humans we basically live on the OUTSIDE of a cooled-off planet (Cool, man!), Earth.  It may also help to look at Astrology as an Art and NOT a science (though METAPHYSICALLY this may be debated?) with "Dawn of the Aquarian Age" being a prime example...

Monday, March 23, 2015

Visionary Art

     Magical portraits of the incredible Reality which surrounds us all (All-ah, Allah, indeed!).  These almost hidden, secret glimpses into our Transcendent Radiance are revelations.  These mystical images entrance us with their enchanting Magic-cum Reality!  Your True Nature is revealed just one image at a time in Cosmic unveiling the occult at Sunset...contemplating the Mysteries.  Imagining unimaginable Bliss!  Look!  There It is!  See for yourself!  Behold the Artistic Vision!

  (...At top is a Kalachakra Mandala.  The two works in the middle are by Joseph Parker.  Lower left work by Willow Arlenea.  Lower right work by Kuba Ambrose...)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Real Meaning of UFO's?

...UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects) are SIGNS (or symbols) of highly intelligent advanced technology (usually TOP SECRET).  THIS is where science and fantasy meet; where PRACTICAL REALITY and IMAGINATION intersect.  From UFO's we are able to observe what Carl Jung called "Synchronicity" (which also relates to the Unified Field Theory).  For example:

     Military Unidentified FLYING Objects (UFO's) indicate naval Unidentified SUBMERGED Objects (USO's) which indicate more Unidentified MILITARY Objects which could indicate Unidentified Computer Programs and Unidentified Quantum Technology, (applies to ANY field) get the idea! (It really is a Unified Field Theory!  Knowledge is power, but so are weapons, unfortunately.)

     Arthur C. Clarke, coauthor of "2001: A Space Odyssey", has stated that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.  Therein lies the fascination.  Magical Realism!  What could be more redeeming?