"Take your place on the Great Mandala
as it moves through your brief moment of time.
Win or lose now, you must choose now,
and if you lose you're only losing your life"
Peter, Paul and Mary
...We may be like specks in the Great Mandala of the Universe...
specks on a "tiny" ball of a planet we call Earth
which orbits a "tiny" average ball of a Star we call the Sun
which orbits around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy with about 200 billion other balls of Stars
(So let's have a ball!)
and our Galaxy is but 1 of about 200 billion
And now we think there may be Infinite Universes, also larger and smaller
...Mandala's may come in infinite variety...
...from the center of your heart...
...ever changing and yet unchanged...
and YOU are a part of The Great Mandala!